
* Kitty History


Date of Birth : November 1, 1974

Place of Birth : London, England

 Address: living at white house with red roof  miles 20 kilometers away from downtown in London 

Weight : was the third Apple
High as five of Apple.

Color: she like red color
Men in Spec.Kitty: who like kind and friendly. Kitty's first love is Dear Daniel.
Aspirations: Pianist or Poet

Favorite Subjects: Music and English Language

Character, Kitty:  she is a cat that warm and generous. She is skilled in baking c
ookies delicious and likes to eat Apple Pie skills of mothers. Kitty's best friend is her twin sister named "Mimmy".  She like cookies made by Mimmy.

Hobbies is travel, reading and play piano.

Favorite Sport: Tennis 

Kitty said : "We never feel we have too many friends"  and this reason Kitty becomes a Popular in school.

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